A year or two back I had an epiphany, or a realization. I, for the first time in my life, was buying more DC comics than I was Marvel. Since I’ve collected comic as far back as I can remember this was weird for me, but with Geoff Johns making all the mainstream heroes in DC awesome once again you really can’t blame me. Now Johns and the rest of DC crew seem like their giving us loyal readers a giant slap in the face, with a cold fish none the less. In September, DC Comics will be restructuring their entire universe with fifty-two new #1’s. Some characters, like Green Lantern and Batman, will change little, mainly because their DC’s best-selling titles right now. Other characters, like Superman, will be completely re-done. Such has making him younger and breaking-up his marriage with Lois Lane to date the Amazonian Princess, Wonder Woman. Although I’m still fuzzy as to all the details there are something’s I’m kind of excited to see. Here are twelve of them.
12) Legion Lost #1
Written By Fabian Nicieza
Drawn by Pete Woods
The Legion of Superheroes has always been a staple in the DC Universe, if not always a well known one. These were the kids who traveled back in time from the 31st Century to meet their idol, Clark Kent, before he was Superman. And in doing so they help turned him into the hero they worshipped. Now seven Legionnaires are trapped in the past. They must stop their future from being destroyed, and to do so they must live in the present; bummer.
Time travel and alternate reality stories always catch my attention, but this one could be a little different. Sure it seems like Every X-Men character now has traveled back to the present to stop their evil future from happening, but think of the technology the 31st Century has, and then to get stuck with 21st Century technology. That would suck. My only hope is Nicieza can draw out the struggle and turmoil of these characters, otherwise this series has lost me after issue #3.
11) DC Universe Presents #1
Written by Paul Jenkins
Drawn by Bernard Chang
Paul Jenkins is mainly known for his work with Legion of Superheroes, but now he’s going to try and pick-up where Geoff Johns left off with Brightest Day. Boston Brand was a trapeze artist until his death. Now he is a ghost and has the ability to possess people while trying to search for his killer. At least that’s his original origin.
Johns brought Brand back in Brightest Day and made him the center of it all as he searched for the protector of Earth. While on this journey Deadman showed many layers. He even hooked-up with Dove from the famous Hawk & Dove team. I just hope Jenkins continues to show those layers, because I’m sure it’s not easy being un-dead. Now just let me see why.
10) Blue Beetle #1
Written by Tony Bedard
Drawn by Ig Rura and Ruy Jose
I always thought of Blue Beetle as DC’s Spider-Man. Not because they both got bitten by a bug and now have super-powers, but because they’re both teenage geeks who become heroes. Jaime Reyes is possessed by an alien bug that is on a mission to save planets or annihilate them. Reyes must find a way to control this power or mankind will suffer. Also, he has to get his chemistry homework in on-time.
9) Superboy #1
Written by Scott Lobdell
Drawn by RB Silva and Rob Lean
Connor Kent has become a fan favorite since his introduction after the death of Superman. His DNA is part Superman, part Lex Luthor. In his time he’s fought off the evil inside of him, become a member of the Teen Titans, and died once saving the world. But now I’m not sure where he’s going from here. Just look at the picture.
I started out loving Superboy, collecting his first series for a few years, and since then I have loved where DC took the character, but this? He looks more like Cyborg than Superman in this picture. In any event, it’s like a train wreck; I can’t look away. But maybe that’s just what DC wants me to think just so I’ll end up reading. Oh you craft dogs you!
8) Green Lantern #1
Written by Geoff Johns
Drawn By Doug Manke and Christian Alamy
Geoff Johns is still working on the comic that made him a household name in the business, and I’m sure I speak for all Green Lantern fans when I give a big sigh of relief. I don ‘t want to see anyone taking on Hal Jordan except the writer who gave him a ‘Rebirth’. With three other Green Lantern titles coming out Hal won’t be alone, but I don’t think it’ll be like we all know it. War of the Green Lanterns was an even better story than Blackest Night so I’m excited to see where Hal, Kyle, Guy, and John go from here!
7) Red Hood and the Outlaws #1
Written by Scott Lobdell
Drawn by Kenneth Rocafort
When last I remember Jason Todd he was fighting Dick Grayson on a train for the right to wear Bruce’s cowl after his supposed death. Thankfully his predecessor beat him and Dick took over being Batman while Bruce was doing his Quantum Leap thing. Now Todd is back in Batman and Robin, and something tells me it’ll lead to a redemption tale just in time to see him hook-up with the Outlaws. Joining the Red Hood will be Green Arrow’s former sidekick Arsenal, who used have a drug problem, and Starfire, the sexy, orange, alien who was stranded in space for a year in 52. These characters are all messed-up, just the way I like ‘em. I can’t wait to see the heads roll!
6) Batgirl #1
Written by Gail Simone
Drawn by Ardian Syaf and Vincente Cifuentes
Simone is known for her work on Tiny Titans, Wonder Woman, and Birds of Prey. I think she had a good handle on Barbara Gordon in Birds of Prey so I feel she’s the right person to bring the original Batgirl back. My theory is when Barry Allen and Batman fix reality after Flashpoint they may do a little improvement, including giving Barbara back her legs after the Joker took them away in The Killing Joke.
I love the character, and how she evolved to become Oracle after her tragedy. I will miss it, but I’ve never really know her much as Batgirl. So for me, and others like me, this is new territory for her character. Especially since her old flame, Dick Grayson, will be returning to be Nightwing. I think someone is going to find themselves under the missile-toe come Christmas. And honestly, I still have no idea who the hell Batwoman is.
5) Grifter #1
Written by Nathan Edmonson
Drawn by Cafu
As I strolled down the line-up of #1’s I was shocked to see Cole Cash on the list. Apparently Wildstorm characters are branching over to the DC Universe, and Grifter is one of my favorite trading choices. In Wildstorm comics Grifter was their equivalent of Wolverine. He is quick with a gun and even quicker with his attitude. I can’t wait to see how he shakes up DC. I foresee a pissing contest between him and the Red Hood in the future.
4) Nightwing #1
Written by Kyle Higgins
Drawn by Eddy Barrows and JP Mayer
Why am I smiling? Because as much as I loved seeing Dick Grayson as Batman I’m glad to see he’s back to being his own man and not living in Bruce’s shadow. Dick Grayson as always been one of my favorite DC characters and his new costume looks badass. I just hope we see some love action between either him and Batgirl or him and Starfire. That love triangle puts Twilight's to shame!
3) Green Lantern: The New Guardians #1
Written by Tony Bedard
Drawn by Tyler Kirkham and Batt
I’ve recently starting picking-up Green Lantern Corps for two reasons. One is that Kyle Rayner is my favorite Green Lantern. Second, Tyler Kirkham had me hooked on his art when he drew that full page spread of the four humans Lanterns, each wielding a different emotion besides Will. I’m glad to see those two people will not be torn apart during the re-vamp.
This comic looks like it’ll be another aftermath of War of the Green Lanterns, which I’m glad to see at least once comic I collect isn’t going back to newborn stages. Kyle is said to lead a new breed of Guardians, who looks like are not just focused on Will, but all the emotional powers. I love how Kyle Rayner was never chosen as a Green Lantern, but he has been thee pivotal character when it comes to their evolution. My smile is still going.
2) Aquaman #1
Written by Geoff Johns
Drawn by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado
Bringing back the Blackest Night pair, Johns is back to tell the tales of the King of Atlantis. He’s brought Arthur Curry back from the dead and turned him from the laughing stock of DC to the badass master of the oceans in Brightest Day. However this is one character I do hope gets a complete re-boot. Aquaman has had so many different origins that are so different I honestly don’t know how to sort them all out. But as long has Johns keeps Arthur kick-ass and complex you can count on my three bucks every month. And yes, I’m still smiling.
1) Justice League #1
Written by Geoff Johns
Drawn by Jim Lee
This like an All-Star game, that is if sports All-Star games didn’t happen every year, but every ten years. Johns, the chief creative officer at DC is hooking up with Jim Lee, the new Co-Publisher of DC, to bring you something I feel will be special. Both of these guys are considered the best in the comic book business, and they’ve brought together the best DC characters together in one comic book. This is the comic that DC is betting all their money on. If this comic doesn’t work, none of it does.
I love the current JLA line-up where the former Teen Titans now run the JLA as adults, but that isn’t the status quo the general public knows. Just ask any Spider-Man fan, you can’t stray from the status quo for too long. Too soon for Brand New Day jokes? If anything I’ll at least collect the first storyline for no other reason than to have it.
FINAL THOUGHTS: I know DC had to think longer term to bring in younger readers because lord knows their movies aren’t getting it done. Hey Warner Bros.! Butt the hell out of our films when you’ve never even read the comic book it’s based off of! Maybe then you’ll see some box office numbers like Marvel Studios is pumping out! But when a kid walks into the comic book store after just seeing Green Lantern a store owner should know what to start him off with, and it shouldn’t be all the way back to Hal Jordan’s first appearance in Showcase # 22 from 1959.
My biggest gripe in all of this is the re-start of Action Comics and Detective Comics. These two are tent poles for comic books and superheroes. If you want to re-vamp Superman and Batman that’s fine, but these are the two comics that say just how long comic books have endured with Actions Comics being in the 900’s now. Also, I love Jim Lee’s art, but he made his name in the 90’s, and not to criticize, but the 90’s is over Jim so let’s get our superheroes fashion sense out if it as well. I mean for god sakes what the hell is Tim Drake wearing on the cover on Teen Titans #1? I can’t believe I’m actually quoting Nicolas Cage, but he said Superman’s costume is “like a Coca-Cola bottle, you don’t mess with that stuff.” Ok, my smile is now gone.