
October 30, 2012

I Have A Bad Feeling About This?

As anyone who knows me knows that I'm a pretty big Star Wars fan.  The guest room in my house has practically been turned into a Star Wars room with posters, lightsabers, and miniatures everywhere.  This was not how I planned it to be, but this is just all my stuff my wife wouldn't let me put in the rest of the house.  I suggested all seven original movie posters line the main stairwell but that didn't seem like a good idea in her eyes.  I pride myself in having those seven posters that I have acquired throughout my life, but it looks like I may have to buy more down the road if I want to keep saying, "I own all the Star Wars movie posters."
Today is was announced that Lucasfilm, the company that makes Star Wars, was sold to Disney for $4 billion dollars.  Now it isn't all just straight-up cash, some of it is stock options in Disney itself.  George Lucas, the creator and godfather of Star Wars, now owns 2% of Disney because of this deal.  Throughout the years Disney has turned into the corporate powerhouse that gulps up other successful companies like ABC network, ESPN, Marvel Comics, and Pixar Animation Studios.  The funny part about that is Lucasfilm actually started Pixar, then it was sold to Steve Jobs, who sold it to Disney. As Darth Vader said, "The circle is now complete."
Just as fanboys everywhere were worried when Disney bought Marvel Comics, social media sites have been in an uproar all day.  And I should know, I'm one of them who is causing it all.  Now some have said, "It'll be o.k., The Avengers was good."  Yes, but that film was set-up long before Disney had anything to do with Marvel, but at the same time they didn't seem to leave their fingerprints all over it either.  We didn't even see Iron Man fly around Cinderella's castle at the beginning.  So is this a good thing, or a bad thing?  From a corporate stand-point it is good.  Disney has the money and power to make sure Star Wars is around till the end of mankind.  In an interview Lucas said this was to make sure his characters last beyond his time, and with Disney's help they will.  But the second part of this story is that Disney is planning on releasing another Star Wars trilogy starting in 2015; Episodes VII, VIII, and IX, without Lucas at the helm.  Some old Star Wars fans were already pissed off when ol' George made Episodes I, II, and III: I don't think Disney making another trilogy will make them any happier.  If you think Jar Jar Binks is bad just imagine Goofy in a Star Wars film, yikes.  
First off people, let's not run for our torches and pitchforks just yet.  Like some have said, Disney seems to be managing Marvel pretty well, with the exception of creating rides at Disney Land with the Hulk on them, and of course everything from Iron Man toothpaste to Thor muscle shakes (not sure if those products actually exists, but if sounds like they should, right).  Star Wars has been a merchandising gold mine for years.  We've already got Yoda dolls and Star Wars thermoses.  So really, what else could Disney do except make three more movies that turn out to be crap and drag a beloved film franchise even more into the depths of movie hell where its companions will be Steel, Alexander, and movies with Pauly Shore . 
But true Star Wars fans know that when Lucas first thought about Star Wars he envisioned 9 films.  But as the years went by he knew he was getting too old for this shit so he decided to focus on the first 6, The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader or The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of Anakin Skywalker.  You decide what to call it.  Anyway, Lucas still has an outline of VII, VIII, and IX which is already being looked at to be turned into a script.  The unfortunate situation is that just like Lucas, his three main stars have gotten old as well.  The next trilogy, I've read, is supposed to be the continuing adventures of Luke, Han, and Princess Leia.  But Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher are all pushing close to 60 I believe, so needless to say the next Episodes can't take place less than about 20 to 30 years from Return of the Jedi.  You could always just get all new actors for the three characters, but that's only if you want fanboys to burn down movie theaters in protest.  Luckily some good ideas have already been made thanks to the Expanded Universe of novels and comic book writers.  
After ROTJ, Han and Leia went on to have three kids; their youngest, Anakin, and a set of twins, Jaina and Jacen.  I'm still hoping to use those names if my wife and I ever have twins.  So I call dibs people!  Anyway, Luke also found love with a woman named Mara Jade.  But wait, Jedi don't get married, that's how Darth Vader started.  Well Luke seemed a little more lenient on that rule and somehow made it o.k. when he started the New Jedi Order.  He and Mara had a son, Ben.  And wouldn't you know it, their were many adventure of Anakin and Ben, again.  Unfortunately Anakin, along with Chewbacca, end up dying, which led Jacen down the road to becoming Darth Caedus, the new Dark Lord of the Sith.  Jacen ends up killing his Aunt Mara, and almost destroys the whole galaxy until his twin sister, Jaina, kills him in order to save everyone.  This would put Hamill, Ford, and Fisher in a role like Jeff Bridges in Tron: Legacy.  They're in the movie, but not in a lot of action, and the franchise is passed to the next generation.
This is a great story, but with Disney running the show I feel it may be a little dark.  Another option would be based on the comic book series, Star Wars: Legacy.  It's set 100 years after ROTJ when Luke, Han, Jaina, and everyone else is dead, but the Skywalker line still runs the Jedi Order.  The Sith return to take over the Republic, which has again turned into an Empire, only not so evil this time.  The Jedi are all almost killed, again, and the Skywalker heir, Cade, is thought dead.  Years later he is found as a bounty hunter, using his Jedi skills to make him some money.  Not very Jedi-like, eh?  But once the Sith, the Jedi, and the entire galaxy realize a Skywalker is alive everyone is after him, but all Cade wants is to be left alone and not have the galaxy's fate in his hands like his ancestors.  
The comic book is little edgy as well, but with a few alterations it would make it no more adult than the Pirates of the Caribbean films.  This would also bring in a whole new cast, but Luke does make an appearance as a ghost and I'm sure Mark Hamill wouldn't mind returning for a cameo.  It's not like he has anything else on is plate except Comic-Con appearances. Plus, you would then not need to worry about Harrison Ford returning, which I don't think he would.  But wait, did I mention by Disney owning Lucasfilm they now own Indiana Jones as well? Sorry Harrison, Mickey Mouse now has control over your two best roles and your legacy.  I'd get a nice bottle of wine and a really big piece of cheese for that kiss-ass event. 
Anyway, Lucas wrote an outline of Episodes VII, VIII, and IX before any other Star Wars stories were created so chances are the next films will be neither of these ideas.  But hey, a fanboy can dream right?
Despite the quality of new things to come I feel like this doesn't change Star Wars.  They've always had a relationship with Disney, from Star Wars rides to Star Wars Weekends.  They're both about family entertainment, which is what they both do well.  I can't wait to take my daughter to see the new Star Wars films, just like I'm sure my dad was excited to take me to see Episode I.  Just remember people, no matter what happens, The Force Will Be With Us...Always.

1 comment:

  1. 2 more things I forgot to mention people: Star Wars comics have been published by Dark Horse for 20 years, but with Disney owning Marvel Comics that could change. Also, Star Wars: The Clone Wars broadcast on Cartoon Network, could that change to Disney XD now? We'll see.
