
December 31, 2010

Move Over 2010; 2011 Films Are Outta This World

After days of trying to rack my brain to come up with the top movies I’ve seen in 2010 I came to a very important conclusion; 2010 sucked. I could come up with maybe five films I thought deserved to be on the list, but this was leaving out recent films I hadn’t seen yet like Black Swan, The Fighter, and True Grit. So rather than focus on the past I’m looking to the future. With 24 hours left till the new year here are twelve films I’m looking forward to seeing in the next twelve months.

12) A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas (T.B.D.)
I’m not sure what is going on with this film. I know Kal Penn quit the series House so he could go work for President Obama. If he has found a way to replay the lovable stoner along with John Cho I’m all for it. These films are stupid, let’s be honest. But sometimes it’s those stupid films that keep us entertained. And isn’t that what movies are made for? I smell a Christmas classic in the works.

11) The Company Men (January 21)
In this time of economic recession it’s nice to see that Hollywood isn’t shying away from bringing this problem into the lime light. The story is about three men; Ben Affleck, Kevin Costner, and Tommy Lee Jones, and how they are dealing with the corporate downsizing in America. It’s about their struggles, their efforts to keep their families together, and all things that will probably make you cry. But with three great actors leading the way I think this could be a good one.

10) Priest (May 13)
Based on a comic book series this film takes place in an apocalyptic future. There is an order of priest who has all but wiped out the vampire race. Just when they think the war is over a warrior priest, played by Paul Bettany, gets his niece kidnapped and must save her from a new breed of the undead.
This movie looks like it’s going to have some kick-ass fights, and I love movies where they show vampires like they should be, blood thirsty monsters who can rip people apart. Vampires don’t complain about being in love or sparkle. What a bunch of pansies.

9) The Hangover 2 (May 26)
Not much is known about the story surrounding this sequel to the 2009 comedy. Mel Gibson was supposed to be in it but got kicked off. Former president Bill Clinton makes an appearance I’m told, and the entire cast is returning. As long as Todd Phillips is still directing you can be sure I’ll be ready for another night of drunken debauchery.

8) Fright Night (August 19)
A remake of the 1985 classic, Charlie is your typical teenage boy who just wants his girlfriend to give it up already. But Charlie has other problems to worry about. His next door neighbor is a vampire, he is killing people, and nobody believes him. Soon the blood sucker turns his eyes on Charlie’s girlfriend, and he’s looking to do more than pop her cherry before Charlie.
It doesn’t get any better than vampire or monster films in the 1980’s. The vampire would seduce his victim and then bite them in bed. It’s like dinner and a snack. Colin Farrell is playing the sleek vampire, and Terminator: Salvation’s Anton Yelchin is playing young Charlie. The casting and nostalgia alone is enough to get me to see this film.

7) Captain America: The First Avenger (July 22)
It’s not that I don’t think Chris Evans, a.k.a The Human Torch, will do a bad job playing Steve Rogers but I don’t think he’s the best choice. Rogers was just a skinny kid from Brooklyn during World War II until he volunteered for an experiment that turned into in the ultimate soldier and symbol of hope.
This is of course part of Marvel’s cinema world, in which it all comes together with The Avengers next summer. Hugo Weaving is a great choice to play Cap’s nemesis, and Nazi bad guy, The Red Skull. The pictures I’ve seen look good, and I love Captain America. I think I’ll hold my complete judgment on Evans until I seen a trailer.

6) Green Lantern (June 17)
Unfortunately for Mr. Reynolds I’ve seen the trailer for his film and my suspicions may be right. Ryan Reynolds is a funny guy, but no Hal Jordan. In the film Hal accepts a ring of power from a dying alien. He then joins an intergalactic space police that fights off evil in the galaxy.
I’ve been a big Green Lantern fan for years now, and the writer who made the comic so enjoyable, Geoff Johns was always on set for this film. This gives me hope, but the trailer does not. Sure the effects look cool, I think Mark Strong is perfect for Sinestro, but to rest the film on the shoulders of a guy who is known for only his comedic roles and a TV teen soap actress does not give me hope. DC is hoping to compete with Marvel in Hollywood so let’s hope this film doesn’t suck.

5) X-Men: First Class (June 3)
I have always collected X-Men comics so I take their interpretations to film pretty serious. Byran Singer did an ok job, Brett Ratner needs to be shot for what he did, and I have no grudge against Gavin Hood for the Wolverine movie. Matthew Vaughn is just coming from bringing the hit comic book Kick-Ass to film, and I’d say he gives me hope for this film.
James McAvoy plays a young Charles Xavier, and along with his friend Erik Lehnsherr they are going to show the world that mutants are nothing to be feared. Along the way some stuff goes down and Erik turns into the terrorist known as Magneto. Meanwhile Xavier starts his school for gifted youngsters. Cameos include Kevin Bacon, January Jones, and Oliver Platt. Ok Fox, you got two strikes on you. Don’t make it a third. Hell hath no fury like a fanboy scorned!

4) Cowboys and Aliens (July 29)
Jon Favreau did a great job bringing Iron Man to the big screen and now Favreau has moved on to something even bigger; getting James Bond and Han Solo is the same film. Daniel Craig is a man who wakes up in the desert with no memory of who he is except that Olivia Wilde has the hots for him and Harrison Ford wants him dead. In comes the aliens to kill them and you’ve got one crazy film.
Favreau is mixing the western and sci-fi genres together for what looks like a real treat. This is great cast with a great director so I can’t wait to see what comes out of it.

3) Sucker Punch (March 25)
300 and future Superman director Zach Snyder takes us into a very disturbing place; the mind of a teenage girl. Baby Doll is put into an insane asylum by her step father. She soon escapes into a world inside of her head and envisions a way of getting out. Only in her mind it looks way cooler.
Snyder has always had a very stylistic way of making a film and this one looks no different. The trailer leaves you wondering not only just what the hell is going on, but out of all these young girls if a boob is bound to pop out. With a film full of hot girls kicking ass you can be sure I’ll be there along with every other heterosexual male in America, and maybe even a few gays.

2) Thor (May 6)
If you would have asked me which film I would be more excited for, Thor or Green Lantern, I would have chosen the emerald warrior no doubt. But after getting a glimpse of their trailers I’m more excited to see a film that is based on a comic book I have never seemed to get into.
Thor is the god of thunder and protector of Asgrad, but when his father, played by Anthony Hopkins, banishes him to Earth he’ll have to find a way not only back into his kindgdom, but to defeat his evil step-brother Loki, the god of mischief. Natalie Portman is our hero’s love interest in this film and our hero is Captain Kirk’s dad, Chris Hemsworth. After watching the trailer my interest is peaked. "You called down the thunder well now you got it."

1) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (July 15)
One day my wife and I made a deal. She would read a stack of graphic novels and I would read the Harry Potter book series. In the end she enjoyed Joss Whedon’s run of Astonishing X-Men and I couldn’t wait for the seventh Harry Potter film to come out; damn it. In this final film it’s the showdown at Hogwarts with Harry and his friends against Voldermort and all that is evil. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine must find and destroy the remaining horcruxes if they have any chance of getting rid of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
Since the first part of this book has mainly been put into the previous film is seems that almost all that is left is the big battle at Hogwarts. I won’t spoil anything for you except to say if you cried at the end of part one you’d better bring some tissues because not everyone makes it out of the wizarding school alive. Alright, I want a nice, bloody, dirty, emotional wrenching, fight just like in the book. Now let’s get it on!

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