
June 29, 2010

My Top 12 Saddest Moments in Comic Book History

Every Wednesday I go into my local comic book store to pick up the newest issues that our dear publishers have put out. Most weeks it is the highlight of my day. I get excited to see what adventures or troubles my favorite heroes are getting into. Sometime though, I get something I didn’t expect; a death in the family. The best comic deaths have a great impact on a book and the characters, and other times it’s a character I love dying heroically that makes me lose it. All of these may not be deaths, but after reading comic books for over 20 years these are my top 12 saddest moments in comic book history.

12) Ralph Dibny Finds Sue’s Body: Identity Crisis #1
Sure the cute couple sometimes make you sick with how great they are together, but secretly you wish it was you. And behind every great hero there is a great spouse, and none was better than Sue Dibny and her support for her husband, Elongated Man. But in the first issue of Brad Meltzer’s masterpiece Ralph finds his wife burnt to death after Jean Loring (The Atom’s wife) tried to merely knock Sue out to create a crisis and get her husband to come back to her. But the worst part of it all; at the time of her death Sue was pregnant. Unfortunely this wouldn’t be the only death before Identity Crisis was over.

11) The Death of Harry Osborn: The Spectacular Spider-Man #200
Every hero has tragedy in their background, but Peter Parker has more than most. His best friend’s dad, Norman Osborn, has been making Peter’s life miserable to quite some time, and after he was thought dead Harry took up the role of The Green Goblin, vowing revenge against his best friend for his father’s death. One night Harry invited all of his father’s enemies to a party in hopes of blowing up the building with them in it. Spider-Man comes in to save the day, but soon he is the one that need rescuing, and at the last second his saved by Harry. Moments after the miraculous save, Harry collapse and dies due to the Green Goblin serum in his blood. But with his last words he lets Peter know that he is, and will always be, his best friend.

10) Superboy Dies: Infinite Crisis #6
After The Death of Superman in 1992 four heroes arouse from the ashes claiming to be Superman except for one. Kon-El was a clone of Superman and Lex Luthor, and by far my favorite in The Reign of Supermen. After the true man of steel returned Superboy went on to have his own adventures in Hawaii, eventually joining the Teen Titans along with his girlfriend, Wonder Girl, and best friends Robin and Impulse.
In 2006’s Infinite Crisis Superboy faced off against a Superboy from another dimension looking to destroy Earth. Kon-El sacrificed himself to stop Superboy Prime and save Earth. This was a pivotal moment in Infinite Crisis as all the heroes decided that Superboy’s sacrifice would not be in vain, and that they must save Earth.
Years later Superboy was resurrected in the miniseries, Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds to take down Superboy Prime once again. After the victory Conner Kent returned to the present to his friends and a new life, but I will never forget the image of the heroes surrounding Superboy’s dead body.

9) Gwen Stacy Dies: The Amazing Spider-Man #121
Peter Parker has had a slew of women after him over the years, but before Mary Jane the love of his life was Gwen Stacy. Some fans say Gwen is Spider-Man’s true love, and after a bumpy relationship they were close to being married. But Norman Osborn had other plans. In a roof top scene, similar to the one in the first Spider-Man movie, The Green Goblin captures Gwen Stacy and throws her off the George Washington Bridge. Spider-Man shoots a web to save her, but the whiplash effect accidentally snaps her neck and kills her.
This was huge moment in comics, and in Spider-Man’s life. Peter has never forgiven himself for this error in judgement, and even though he ended up marrying Mary Jane he will never forget Gwen Stacy, his first love.

8) Artist Michael Turner Dies of Cancer: June 27, 2008
As a comic book fan I have my favorite writers & artist and Michael Turner was my favorite artist of years. He started out on comics like Witchblade and Soulfire; then eventually moving on to draw some of his childhood heroes like Batman, Superman, The Avengers, and Spider-Man.
At the Chicago Comic-Con in 2008 I arrived to find out my favorite artist had died the night before of bone cancer. In August 2008 a memorial issue of Fathom was done in Turner’s honor. To this day Turner’s death is felt in the comic book world, and will always be remembered.

7) Tony Stark’s Confession: Civil War: The Confession
Civil War was a four issue miniseries that rocked the Marvel Universe in 2006, putting hero against hero for the Superhero Registration Act. Captain America led the rebellion while Iron Man was for the act. The ending result was the death of Captain America. In this single issue Tony breaks down about the events that led to his best friend’s death and how he feels responsible.
Some of my favorite comic book issues are ones that don’t have a lot of action, but plenty of good dialogue. This issue lets you into the psyche of Tony Stark and how he felt about being pinned as the bad guy during Civil War. This issue will touch you right down to the center of your iron heart.

6) Peter Parker Gives up Mary Jane for Aunt May’s Life: The Amazing Spider-Man #545
Peter has done some stupid things over the years, but this to me seems like his biggest mistake yet. After revealing his identity to the world in Civil War everyone begins hunting him, and when they find him they’re out for blood; which they get. Unfortunately it’s Aunt May’s body that catches the bullet. Peter spends four issues trying to save the women who raised him in One More Day. He goes to Iron Man, Doctor Strange, even Doctor Doom to try and save May. But when all hope seemed lost the demon Mephisto makes a deal with Peter. He will save Aunt May;s life in exchange for his and Mary Jane’s marriage. After hours of talking and a sneak peak at the daughter they’ll never have, they agree to the terms and Mephisto erases any memories Peter and Mary Jane have of each other, bringing about the storyline known as Brand New Day.
Why Peter would sacrifice his young wife for his old aunt is beyond me. May lived a long life, I think she’d understand. In any event, this brought back to life Harry Osborn and erased 20 years of Spider-Man history. Some fans liked it, others thought it spat on every person who worked on Spider-Man in the last 20 years. I agree with the spatters.

5) Kitty Pryde’s Sacrifice: Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1
When you look back and read Joss Whedon ‘s entire run of Astonishing X-Men you realize it was all about Kitty Pryde. Kitty returns in the first issue to teach at the Xavier’s Institute. Through twenty-four issues Kitty is reunited with her love, Colossus, is the only X-men to escape when the Hellfire Club invades the mansion, and is the only person who can save the world when a giant bullet is heading towards Earth.
The rulers of Breakworld are hoping that in destroying Earth they’ll save their own planet, so they launch a bullet that Kitty Pryde hitches a ride on. Using all of her power and strength, she phases the massive bullet all the way through the planet, but can’t escape it as it continues through space in hopes of saving other planets as well.
This is a huge sacrifice and heroic act by a character most people look over when the tough gets going. Recently in X-Men, Magneto over used his powers to bring the bullet back to Earth and returning Kitty Pryde home. It is still unclear what the long-term affects of this will be, but at least the X-Men have their little Shadowcat back.

4) Jean Grey's 1st Death: Uncanny X-Men #137
In 1963 X-Men #1 was published and we were introduced to a little red-headed girl who was scared to find out she was a mutant in a world that hated her just for being born. Through the years Jean grew into a young women, and found love with Scott Summers, otherwise known in Cyclops. But in a return mission from space Jean could have never dreamed what her sacrifice would mean to the rest of her life and the X-Men. Jean arose from the Hudson River as the Phoenix and slowly became more unstable as time went on. Soon she become The Dark Phoenix and destroyed an entire solar system using her awesome powers. In a final act to save her soul and galaxy Jean killed herself in front of her friends and man she loves. “She could have lived as a god, but she chose to die a human.”
In 1986 Jean returned to the Marvel U. after the Fantastic Four discovered an egg at the bottom of the Hudson. It turns out the phoenix force had replicated Jean’s DNA and placed Jean in a safe cacoon at the bottom of the river. Jean returned to the X-Men to find Scott married to her clone, but eventually the two got back together.  They married only to part years later; first in Cyclop's supposed death, and then Jean’s death at the hands of Magneto. “Live Scott. Live. All I ever did was die on you.”

3)Superman’s Funeral: Superman: The Man of Steel #20
The man of tomorrow fell defending his city from Doomsday in Superman #75, and when it came time for the funeral everyone cried, including me. In this issue we see the worlds heroes, and his best friends, carrying the man of steel to his memorial. Batman and Robin aren’t in the crowd, nor are Clark Kent’s parents, Jonathan and Martha. To me this issue hit several emotional cord; as picturing my friends carrying my coffin, and also the tragedy of the Kent’s not going to their own son’s funeral for fear of exposing his identity. But of course Superman returns to reclaim his spot as Earth’s greatest hero. He wasn’t dead, just taking a little nap.

2) Betty Banner Dies: The Incredible Hulk # 466
For years Bruce Banner was on the run for his alter-ego, and although he was perceived as a monster there was one woman who always loved him no matter what everyone else thought. Betty and Bruce were living on a military base, General Ross had quit hunting the Hulk, and Bruce was on the verge of curing himself when tragedy struck.
The Hulk’s long time rival, the Abomination, used the Hulk’s blood against Betty making it look like her exposure to the Hulk all these years gave her gamma poisoning. Bruce’s last effort to save his wife failed and General Ross put her body in cyrogenitc freezing in hopes of reviving her one day.
This event tore Bruce up and was again on the run from General Ross. After many adventures, one that took him into space, the Hulk now has Betty back, he just doesn’t know it yet. Good job Mr. Joeb!

1)Jack Drake Dies: Identity Crisis #4
Every time I read this scene I tear up. This is the beginning of a very long year for Time Drake.  Tim has revealed to his dad that he is Batman’s sideckick, Robin. His fathe Jack accepts it, but fears for his son’s life after the death of Sue Dibny. As Tim goes out on patrol an intruder enters the Drake home and Jack is left to defend himself, making one last phone call to his son.
Jack tells Batman to look after his son, Batman steps on the Batmobile’s peddle, refusing to let another boy’s childhood end, and Tim cries out to his dad in tears. The end of the issue is a great full page spread that will leave you weaping like a baby. I guarantee it.

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